Promoting academic success and access to youth employment are our priority objectives.
Our program supports targeted actions implemented by our partners and selected for their consistency with our values and their effectiveness. And we bring a complementary transversal communication between our partners by valuing their results.
It is naturally, in affinity with our identity, that our first support was in 2016 with ‘Orchestre à l’École’ with the students of the Fernand Léger School of Malakoff. Our young musicians showed us their talent and enthusiasm during a mini concert:

The second axis of our program is in affinity with digital techniques. Our support is at the end of the academic cycle alongside the Audencia Digital Marketing Master’s students. Since 2017, in collaboration with l’Oréal, offering some students to help financing their studies. In solidarity, all students are mobilized to communicate for the benefit of our program through social networks. L’Oréal offers two of them an immersion seminar within the company’s marketing teams and an end-of-study internship to facilitate their access to the desired job.

Since our launch, we have confirmed the effective use of donations received:
96,5% of the resources were guaranteed for the direct benefit of the solidarity actions
106 young poeplebenefited directly from our support
Looking to the future: We want to perpetuate the actions already undertaken, expand the scope of our support especially in middle school and high school and launch a digital platform to install synergy between our partners.
Our goal is to provide 300 young people with our direct support in 2020 and 500 beneficiaries in 2021. .